In reply to @treehousedarren.

@treehousedarren @FreakyFwoof I don't think you need to be on in order for the correct spelling of Mastodon to matter. Aside from the official domain names hosting, Mastodon is correct and will get you to the thing you're trying to find out about/join, mastadon is not. So while I won't set my hair on fire over it, I will definitely correct someone's spelling to ensure they get the correct thing.

In reply to @SteveSawczyn.

@SteveSawczyn @objectinspace @annaecook @paninid @donmelton They're doing some accessible classes, but there's still completely frustrating things like not being able to type in a password while using their TTS. It just says bullet when you tap a letter, so the end result is that you need a sighted person to log you in when things like the power go out or the router dies. And we lose power enough that it's an actual problem,

In reply to @inherentlee.

@inherentlee The only one of these that would be indicated by screen readers in almost all cases is the asterisks option. Underscores would depend on screen reader verbosity settings, and capital letters are also somewhat dependent on verbosity settings. Would not use the latter to try to indicate text emphasis, possibly asterisks. Hope this helps, I couldn't get the pole to let me vote.