UC-Berkeley’s Nicholas Weaver has been studying cryptocurrency for years. He thinks it’s a terrible idea that will end in disaster.
The movement spent 40 years at war with secular America. Now it’s at war with itself.
The majority of five justices is testing the power of fellow conservative chief justice.
Republicans unveil their messaging strategy on the Roe overturn: Lie as hard as you possibly can
Pinellas County has embarked on a website redesign project of their main property from a currently static site to a CMS-powered one on top of WordPress. Over the past year and a half, Daniel has led the design and development of the new theme with a focus on accessibility from the beginning. He’ll share some of the processes and thinking behind the setup and findings that have made the project a smoother operation than in previous attempts. He’ll also share how the editorial team, composed of Public Information Officers and Department liaisons, has worked with the content audit and rewrites over the past several months, again with a focus on accessibility using the tools WordPress core provides as well as some handy plugins like Equalize Digital's Accessibility Checker. This meetup will focus heavily on sharing tips, and tools, and discussing the process of large website deployments with thousands of pieces of content across almost 100 stakeholders.
If the conservative justice’s draft opinion is adopted by the Court, key advances of the past hundred years could be rolled back.
Jewish law allows for abortion in many cases, and requires it if the mother’s life is in danger.
Rules within the court have become immaterial, just like the health of over half the population.
It costs just over $160 to get a week's worth of data on where people who visited Planned Parenthood came from, and where they went afterwards.
Communities across the country have already been preparing for the end of Roe.
Some, most notably those who are either law nerds or untroubled by the substance, will raise the shock that a draft opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States was leaked to Politico. And it …
Very few conservatives dare to question the orthodoxy driving the politics of Ron DeSantis and J.D. Vance.
Facebook employees knew that a computer-curated feed increased the time users spent on the social network—and that it led to unhealthy behaviors.
Plus: Maybe crazy doesn't work
People on both sides of the debate are being too vague about what they favor and what they oppose.
What the NYT Cancel Culture Editorial Got Wrong, And What It Got Right
Hey y’all! It’s Tim in for JVL today but do not fret, our Sad King will return tomorrow. Thanks again for all your support for World Central Kitchen. We are closing in on $100k contributed from Bulwark readers. Amazing! Here’s the link if you want to be the one to put us over the top.