Senator Sheldon Whitehouse Has Really Bad Ideas About Section 230 by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

Over the summer I got a copy of the new book from Lee Bollinger and Geoffrey Stone, two formerly staunch 1st Amendment supporters who have apparently decided to go back on their earlier views, with a collection of essays by a variety of authors about “social media, freedom of speech, and the future of our […]

Sorry For Arresting You by Yassine Meskhout
Back in August 20 people were arrested in Florida as part of a sting operation on "voter fraud" heavily publicized by Gov. DeSantis. Each person had a felony conviction and voted, but I wrote about how each person was specifically told by election authorities that they were legally able to vote. The confusion stems from how felony voter right restoration was implemented in Florida, where the state insisted that everyone had to pay all outstanding fines while at the same time
Abuse Prevention is Tradecraft (Was: “Como is Infosec” by @doctorow) #ContentModeration Is Not #Infosec by alecm
It’s sunday evening; there’s a lot to be said for being a stay-at-home-dad, and honestly I actually like having stuff like meal-prep and laundry to do, after 35+ years of “All Unix Network Security, All The Time” living. But I don’t like having to write this post. Not least I need to be br...