Get in Babkans and other fedizens, we're doing Monday.

I think I may have solved a thorny work problem, (yay Pods Framework), and I think I'm going to just repeat yesterday's lunch, including the early timing.

Other than that, I hope everyone's having a stress-free day, and, if you're not, that the stress is at least tolerable.


So after a day or so of using Overcast as opposed to Apple Podcasts, I have to say that my favorite feature so far is being able to use to play podcasts on the desktop. There are some accessibility issues with the player, but you can operate it with a keyboard, and each episode gets its own page. This means I can listen to podcasts while I work should I choose to.

New #indieweb trick on my part: I'm using Pocket to store the things I'm reading that aren't books, and I've set up an IFTTT recipe to post a read to my site whenever I save something new to Pocket. It seems to be the most accessible way of doing this. I tried with Inoreader, but couldn't figure out how to get IFTTT to just pull from the read pile over there. And since I don't use Pocket for the thing it's intended for anyway, I figured this would work. And I'm pleased to report that it does.

If your username has all kinds of ASCII art in it, or you use ASCII art in your posts, not gonna lie, I hate you. Mostly because screen readers do not know how to interpret half this stuff, and so I try to just scroll past. I hope you're not trying to say anything important.

Pretty rich for Google, which has spent the better part of the last fourteen years doing its bit to fuck up the web, to tell us all "Well, you see, the web is broken, so we need to use AI to fix it." Jee if only there were a large advertising company pretending to be a browser and search company that could publicly demonstrate that it's learned from its mistakes and even roll some of them back and prioritize the things we all know make the web an enjoyable place to browse instead of just force-feeding us more of the latest hype.

So apparently you cannot export an OPML file from either iTunes or Apple Podcasts, and I wish I had known this before I started using Apple's podcast stuff because I want to switch to Overcast and have found all this out today. Not a happy camper.