Get in #fedizens we've made it to Friday. The bedroom air conditioner started leaking again last night, so that's off until it dries out again. And it's supposed to be 91F today. Guess who will not be going back to the bedroom until we can turn it back on? But at least it's the final day of the work week.

Get in #Fedizens we're doing Wednesday. Today in pre-coffee adventures, I put the coffee in the pot and then walked away to do other stuff before I realized I forgot to add water. All fixed now and waiting on the coffee in my cup to cool. AQI is already at 62 today and it's supposed to be a hot one.

Get in #fedizens we're doing Monday. Today in pre-coffee autopilot adventures, I tried to put coffee grounds in my cup instead of hot chocolate mix. Good thing I caught it before I poured. But yeah, not an awesome start to Monday. Currently delivering caffeine to my brain via my cup. Very inefficient.