This is going to piss me off. I could probably get into this box and fix the F2B config through DO's online recovery concul, because it lets me connect fine, except it's not accessible. And support is useless. It's looking like I'll need to back up the WP install, nuke this thing from orbit, and then just create a new one. That's not happening this evening.

Yeah I just haven't had the time to set up a VPN. It was sort of "OK I'll set this for now because I'm getting hit with a bunch of shit and then spend some time fixing it" except I didn't realize Comcast was going to drop the lease before I got a chance to get around to it.

Fail2Ban is set to only allow connections from a no longer available IP address. So I'm going to boot into recovery mode which will hopefully reset back to the default config and then allow all. I'm trying to avoid nuking this thing from orbit because that would just be a huge hassle.

So I'm leaving John to listen to the graphic audio by himself because it jumped the shark into complete ridiculousness and predictable bullshit during the last book and that's already 4 hours I'm not getting back I'm not about to add another 5 hours.