If you use your 500 characters on Mastodon to repeat a single message over and over again, that's an automatic unfollow. And I don't care what the message is. YOu are not cute and you are not clever you're just annoying enough that your posts don't deserve to take up space on my timeline.

Shavua tov everyone, I hope those of you who kept Shabbat had a restful time of it, that those of you who didn't have nonetheless had an excellent Saturday, and that we all have a prosperous week ahead. This applies to everyone except the antisemites, who, as part of their devotion to the latest omnicause, have apparently gathered in their thousands to threaten death towards and otherwise verbally attack a young singer for the crime of (checks notes) hailing from a country they hate. Great job team, I'm sure Palestine will be free any minute now. If this post offends you good. Please feel free to take full advantage of either the unfollow or even the block button. #today

Everyone keeps talking about bringing back the old web, and honestly maybe I'm missing something, but it never went away. I'm still using it thanks to an RSS reader and a personal website.

Granted, it's way less popular than it was when it was in its hayday, but it's still here. So go use it.

OK so because this is the absolutely dumbest timeline, we have a politician admitting she actually shot an actual puppy, followed immediately by the worst people defending shooting puppies.

So anyway, speaking of dogs, I want to know who Major Biden bit. Because they probably deserved it. Dogs are incredible at judging human character.

Shavua tov everybody, I hope everyone who celebrated had a wonderful Pesach, and is thoroughly enjoying whatever chametz you've chosen for yourselves. For those who are managing to celebrat e, I hope you all have a joyous and happy Mimouna

I see the WTF loop I attempted to exit last week is still going on, and that a lot of masks are off. So the home timeline will continue reshuffling.

Somebody on here mentioned the other day that they're going to spend the entirety of Pesach offline or at least off of social media, and you know what, that sounds like a terrific idea I think I will do this. So from the 22nd until the 30th I'll be off the socials.