Regarding my last boost: Buckle up everybody because there's going to be a metric fuckton of *everybody's* favorite celebrities and politicians and just general luminaries listed in those files, and the indicator of who's got moral courage and who doesn't will be the people who are able to avoid reflexively defending their favorites. Spoiler alert: The group of people demonstrating moral clarity will both be from all over the political spectrum and be very small.

It's been a little while since I've done one of these so:

Get in #fedizens we're doing Tuesday. Specifically, the second to last Tuesday of 2023.

I have a few more work things to finish up today, and then I'm done for the rest of the year. This is later than I wanted. I was actually shooting for the start of Hanukah as the beginning of my vacation, but it didn't work out that way. But I'm finally to the point where nobody can drop their probably self-inflicted emergency in my lap. So I plan to start this afternoon with a few beers and a huge bowl of chili mack. And I hope everyone has an awesome day. #today

From the "It Was Never About Antisemitism" Dept.:

"Conservatives see a chance to remake college campuses"

Let's stop pretending people like Elise Stefanik care anything about antisemitism just because the left has its own problem with antisemitism. Stefanik can wear the ally badge when she demonstrates the moral clarity she demands of others by forcefully and unequivocaly calling out the antisemites in her own party, starting with its leader.

#antisemitism #Jew-hatred

@devinprater Nobody who's worked in web accessibility for anything longer than 5 seconds disputes this. Also, the prevalence of alt text on Mastodon is because Mastodon is essentially a web application, and thus, web accessibility applies. You're presenting a dichotomy that doesn't exist, and caring about alt text on here, which includes reminding people to add it, isn't any kind of indicator that operating system and native application accessibility aren't important.

Get in #fedizens we're doing Wednesday.

It's been a busy morning because I slept in as late as possible and still got everything together to get the laundry out the door, along with writing some emails, but it's finally settling down now I think.

John's got a pumpkin pie in the oven, and it's very cold outside again, (the high is only supposed to get to 32F), so we're staying inside today.


Get in #fedizens we're doing Tuesday.

It's frickin freezing outside Mr. Bigglesworth. To be more precise, it's 24F out, only going up to 28F, and it's been snowing off and on all night and it's supposed to do that all day. So we'll be staying inside and practicing the art form of strategically opening windows to counteract the fact that the boiler for the building is under our bedroom floor.

I have a quick job I'm going to get done today, and we're also reading the new Spenser book. Then we'll go back to the Kinsy Millhone series. #today

Get in #fedizens we're doing Thursday.

If you're in the US and you're celebrating Thanksgiving, I hope it's as meaningful for you as it can be and that it includes lots of your favorite foods and as little drama as possible.

We're going over to John's brother's house for dinner later and we'll be having a small family gathering with lots of food.
