The Giants won the World Series, so naturally, San Francisco has lost its mind. There are honking horns and screaming drunk people all over the place. Today was also the last day of my WordCamp trip, which I spent at Automattic working on WordPress and meeting a few last minute people, as well as raiding the fridge for one last beer on Matt’s dime. It was good beer too. But the fact that it was free makes it even better.

Sleep will likely be fitful tonight, because of pre-flight jitters plus drunk screaming people, and I need to keep the window open because there’s no air conditioner in this room. There is wireless though, and that’s the important thing. Gotta keep the priorities straight.

I’m sad that both baseball and WordCamp are ending at the same time. WordPress will continue unabated, but I’ll have to wait for baseball until next spring. The weather’s been nice here. It didn’t get hot until today. For the rest of the time, it’s been pleasantly cool. I’ve walked a ton, and I’ll be surprised if I’ve lost no weight. I plan on sleeping for as long as possible as soon as I get home tomorrow evening.

Today has been very full. I walked from the hotel to the conference center, which was about a thirty-minute walk. Then the talks began. Everything I saw was full of information, and I’m still trying to process it all. Taking notes is pretty much out of the question, because the talks go by so fast. So I’ll take the notes when the talks go up on WPTV. I’ve met lots of cool and interesting people, but I’ve met so many of them that everything’s a blur. There are so many of them that trying to pair voices with names with Twitter profiles is daunting. But don’t worry, you’re still all special snowflakes. 😛

I was featured in Joseph O’Connor’s lightning talk on remote user testing, so I need to recalculate how many minutes I have left in my fifteen minutes of fame. After WordCamp was over for today, I and the accessibility team (well, part of us anyway) went out for dinner, and then I stopped by the afterparty being thrown at Automattic headquarters and drank more beer. I also met more people, including dre Armeda from the dradcast, which is a podcast you should be listening to if you’re in to WordPress, beer, or both.

tomorrow, there’s a blogging track and a contributor track, and I’ll be attending a little of both like I did today with the developer track and the designer track. I’m looking forward to it.

I got into San Francisco at about 11:40 their time. It took a little while to find my luggage, but we found it, and then it took another little while for the Automattic Bus (which is really a big white van, and no, no one’s handing candy out the back) but my ride found me and we drove around the airport for a while until we realized that the other people riding along were stuck in customs. So we headed over to the Automattic Lounge to wait until we can all check into our hotels. I’ve met a lot of people, and everyone’s been very nice and helpful. I’m charging my iPhone now. Automattic has all the cords. And apparently all the Australians except Kerry. There’s a ton of them hanging around here. A very international place. The lounge is also very well laid-out, with not that much in the way, and what is in the way can serve as mobility landmarks. So yay more independent travel, at least here. As I mentioned on the professional Twitter earlier, I have audio from the first leg of the trip and I will get that up when I get to my hotel and get a minute. But so far, the trip’s been awesome, and WordCamp hasn’t even officially started yet.