Get in Babkans, those of you on, and other fedizens, we're doing Tuesday.

There's some real breakfast of champions energy going on over here, because John and I are going to dig into some steak egg and cheese breakfast burritos. Also, we're getting our haircuts today.

Other than that, just work for me, which I hope to end at a decent hour but I'm not sure that will happen.


Next time you're tempted to attribute some sort of vast conspiracy to Google, remind yourself that somehow an office, where people needed to use wifi, was designed in such a way that the whole thing would obstruct radio propagation, and then it got built, and then Google put workers inside it, and finally they figured out why wifi wasn't working. These are not the masterminds of any vast conspiracy, I promise.

Get in Babkans, those of you on, and other fedizens, we're doing Sunday.

For my Christian friends, I hope this Sunday is a meaningful and blessed one for you. I know some of you are doing Lent while others of you are not, so however you choose to observe I hope you make the most of it.

For the rest of us, including my atheist friends, I hope it's an awesome day.

John and I are listening to the Nightfall Saga in graphic audio. So far I think we liked the Demon Cycle better. And we're contemplating making some spaghetti later on.


"Pope Francis has told a Swiss broadcaster that Ukraine should have the courage of the "white flag" and negotiate an end to the war with Russia."

No actually they shouldn't, and the pope should have several seats and stop talking if he's going to continue to be incredibly generous with lives not his own.–2091038.html

Get in Babkans and other fedizens, we've made it to Friday.

Today promises to be pretty chill, so I'm going to take advantage of that, and if I don't get a chance later on, I'll go ahead now and wish everyone who's observing a shabbat shalom while I wish everyone else a restful and enjoyable weekend.


Get in Babkans and other fedizens, we're doing Tuesday.

John and I are going for haircuts later on today, and the weather will once again be unseasonably warm, and I'm thinking I might have a beer this afternoon. I haven't done that in a while.

Other than that, just work, and continuing to read the Demon Cycle books by way of graphic audio.

Yes, graphic audio counts as reading, fight me.


It made it to 66F (18C) here today, which is definitely not normal for central PA this time of year. I'm guessing we're not going to have very many more days with winter temperatures, unless May turns out to be downright chilly like it was last year or something like that. We'll see what happens with the rest of March at any rate.

Oh yay. We're not even a quarter of the way through 2024, and a huge portion of Texas is on fire already. So aside from the actual badness of this, I really hope it doesn't turn out to be some sort of screwed-up allegory for how the rest of 2024 turns out.

Get in Babkans and other fedizens, we're doing Monday.

Specifically, we're on the downward slope of Monday. We've just finished a lunch of chicken sandwiches, and I'm finishing up work for today which I plan on quitting around 5PM. And then it's an early bedtime for me because I already have that 2PM feeling and it's only just after 1.


Get in babkans and other fedizens, we're doing Sunday.

John and I are just spending a lazy day with some new graphic audio while the weather remains nasty outside. And I hope all my Christian friends have a meaningful and blessed Sunday while everyone else just has a good day, unless you're observing something in particular, in which case I hope it's meaningful and/or enjoyable.

I now return you and myself to our coffee, which is already in progress.
