Today’s been really productive, but I’ll be glad when it’s time to quit working. I decided to take up the National Blog Posting Month challenge, and what I intended to be a quick hot-take turned into an almost 1500-word long post. That was definitely not the plan, but it adds some good content to the other site, and you can never have enough good content.

I’m also enjoying reading everyone else’s posts. The best part about any of these writing challenges is finding new things to read. I already have a fully-stocked RSS reader, but it’s good to freshen it up with new content that’s longer than one hundred and forty characters.

And now, time for more coffee.

The quickest way to get your web developer to hate you, and I mean really really hate you, is to send them content that you’ve copied into a Microsoft Word document from various emails and ask that that content be formatted, (properly marked up), for the web. Your newsletter also counts as “for the web”. Do not do this. Ever. Microsoft Word is not a text editor. It is not the thing you use to create content for the web, even if your gold-plated screen reader assists you in doing so with its handy “keep-all-the-formatting-from-shit-you-copy-off-webpages” feature. Why any screen reader assists in doing this is beyond me. The fact that you couldn’t just copy shit off the web and paste it into a Word document formatting intact as a screen reader user was a good thing. In fact, they should just take that feature away from everybody. It shouldn’t be allowed. Under any circumstances. While I’m at it, let’s take away the ability for people to copy things into the WordPress editor from Microsoft Word and keep the formatting too. We shouldn’t be encouraging that at all. We’re contributing to the human race circling the drain by allowing it. Every time you copy something into a Word document from the web, and opt to keep the formatting, kittens die. You may as well have kicked several puppies. You hate your country, adopted or otherwise. And you’ll probably be the ones we really need to keep an eye on when the zomby apocalypse happens, because you’ll get yourselves bitten and then not tell anybody you’ve been bitten.

I’m going to shove this bastard of a newsletter out the door. Then, I’m going to go for a long walk and try to convince myself not to go drink the beers that are left in the fridge this early in the day.