I’m writing this because the trend of blind people using Facebook Live is unfortunately spreading.

So, friendly reminder to blind people who are using Facebook Live that it still doesn’t support captions or transcripts and we don’t know when or if it evere will.

I get wanting to do video, and I’m not saying you shouldn’t.

But if you care about accessibility, then you shouldn’t be using a platform that makes it pretty much impossible to not actively discriminate against an entire class of people, in this case deaf and hearing impaired people.

We can sit here and talk about positive impact and other buzzwords all day long. But you can’t good intention or positive impact your way out of this as long as you’re using Facebook Live.

We can sit here and say “don’t do dos and don’ts because it hurts feelings” all day long. But there are somethings that really are as simple as “do” and “don’t” when it comes to accessibility, and prioritizing convenience over one of the most critical and impactful aspects of accessibility by choosing to use a platform that explicitly doesn’t support captions or transcripts is one of those things.

So, if you really do care about accessibility, such that all the hell-raising about inaccessible apps and websites really is more than just looking out for your own interests, don’t use Facebook Live.

Today I learned that Bridgy Publish will pass alternative text attached to photos when syndicating to Twitter.

I’m using Micro.blog’s crossposting feature but I want to play with photos more and the fact that it passes alt text through to Twitter is a really good reason to switch back.

I love learning about accessibility improvements to web-related things I love.

Especially indieweb things.

Disabled friends of abled people don’t let said abled people un-ironically use the phrase “differently abled”. If you’re using that phrase, the odds are high that you haven’t spent any time around disabled people, especially visibly disabled people. I’m bringing this up because I’m scrolling through Twitter and just ran across someone using “differently abled” as part of their foundation name, and I kind of want to hurl.

OK, post properties do not carry over.

I need to think about how I want to resolve this. It’ll take some code.

I think the links themselves would carry over, but then we’re back to the problem of contrast issues for low-vision people viewing from the Facebook app, and there’s at least one of those who likes this page.

Photos I believe I’ve figured out. I’ll either need to attach a featured image using the standard featured image box, or add them directly to the content.

Checkins should be OK because location and weather data get attached automatically to the content, so there will be something, even if it’s just a weather status.

I’ll need to figure out how I want to work around book posts and other similara content.

I just accidentally closed my browser and lost a ton of work. How’s your Friday going?

This post is a test of how post kinds will display when sharing to Facebook.

I’m biting the bullet and letting WordPress.com manage syndication to Facebook since I really don’t want to rangle Facebook and Facebook seems to be giving Micro.blog a hard time by (seemingly randomly) discontinuing publishing to Facebook pages.

Specifically, I want to see if I can publish without manually adding a custom message and still have the contents of titleless posts post in their entirety to Facebook.

There’s a bit of an issue for low-vision users of the Facebook app on iOS at least when you post just the title of a post and the link without an accompanying message.

I seriously doubt Facebook is going to do anything about this, since they pretty much don’t listen to their accessibility team unless someone somewhere in management decides it’s time to throw them their occasional bone, so I’m trying to mitigate it from my end.

I of course have zero control over the styling of the app, and I can’t pass those kinds of changes through from my websites.

Apologies in advance to those who are following me on Facebook while I test this.

I just accidentally closed my browser and lost a ton of work. How’s your Friday going?

This post is a test of how post kinds will display when sharing to Facebook.

I’m biting the bullet and letting WordPress.com manage syndication to Facebook since I really don’t want to rangle Facebook and Facebook seems to be giving Micro.blog a hard time by (seemingly randomly) discontinuing publishing to Facebook pages.

Specifically, I want to see if I can publish without manually adding a custom message and still have the contents of titleless posts post in their entirety to Facebook.

There’s a bit of an issue for low-vision users of the Facebook app on iOS at least when you post just the title of a post and the link without an accompanying message.

I seriously doubt Facebook is going to do anything about this, since they pretty much don’t listen to their accessibility team unless someone somewhere in management decides it’s time to throw them their occasional bone, so I’m trying to mitigate it from my end.

Apologies in advance to those who are following me on Facebook while I test this.

Very unpopular opinion:

Users treat their WordPress websites like red-headed step children because people who cobble together themes and plugins while calling themselves building custom websites do stupid, stupid things.

Just because you can do anything you want with WordPress doesn’t mean you should do whatever you want with WordPress, or any other tool for that matter.

I have a feeling I’m going to be doing a lot of extra looking in the near future for hotels skipping the smart speaker craze. I do not want to walk into my hotel room and say anything to Alexa. If Amazon gets its privacy act together, (same with Google et al), then I’ll be happy to jump on board, but until then, I’d like to hold on to at least some choice in the matter.

I have several Facebook pages I have to manage or help manage for work, so I downloaded the Facebook Business app on my phone after I realized I can’t accept an admin invite from the standard Facebook mobile site.

I totally get why this app has a two-star rating on the app store, because this thing is a pile.

Shout-out to everyone else who has to use it.

Facebook: We make your life miserable just because we can. Move fast and break things yeah!

I would like to sincerely thank the White House for attempting to unsend an email this morning.

Granted, this latest technological oopsy wasn’t nearly as hilarious as the Javascript 404 joke fail, or the or the fake news awards server fail within thirty minutes of launch, but well, this administration and its defenders have provided so few laughs over the last three years that I take them where I can get them.

Thanks guys, you brightened my day.

I think I’m going to change my site’s footer to “Site best viewed with a computer and a cold one.” I suppose I should modernize that a bit, since people use more than just computers to view websites, but I’d dearly love the opportunity to poke fun at the whole “site-best-viewed-with” (insert browser, usually Chrome) nonsense.

The surprise heat wave broke today, so the windows are open and there’s a wonderful breeze coming in. I looked at the temperature in Augusta and it’s 94 compared to our 72. Glad I’m not there.

This secondary character, (I think she’s secondary but can’t really tell at this point) likes both mojitos and Earl Gray tea. I’m trying to decide of the Mojito and Earl Gray tea liking should be categorized as one fault, or two separate faults. At this point i’m hoping she doesn’t become too important, because right now I’m not impressed with her.

Since I am so close to finishing my original challenge goal, I have decided to update my reading challenge to 150 books instead of 100 books. We still have three months left in the year, so I don’t think this will be too hard to complete. It took me until the third book to really get into the series, but having read and really liked the last three books, this one will definitely end up in the re-read pile for later.

You don’t realize how dependent you are on a working internet connection until you’ve finished the last book you downloaded and are about to download more books, only to find that you have no internet connection.

I have ten books to go for my reading challenge and I will probably have this one in the bag within the next week. I haven’t decided if I’m going to up the challenge before I finish it in order to make it last through the end of 2019, or just call it a win and set the one for next year higher.

What say you internets?

I don’t know if the WordPress project has any official ties to the Free Software Foundation. I did a quick Google search but didn’t come up with anything.

We are a project whose members/contributors value diversity and inclusion, and we have done a lot of work to make our official events, (WordCamps) welcoming to everyone, including people with disabilities and children.

Richard Stallman is free to spout whatever disgusting, bigoted things pop into his brain, and even to offer non-apologies which serve no other purpose than to cover his ass.

And we, as a project, one around which a thriving community has formed, are free to disassociate ourselves from him and his comments.

Whether we like it or not, we are the gateway for a lot of people who normally wouldn’t touch free software on their own.