Originally published at customerservant.com. You can comment here or there.

It looks like my skepticism was once again proven to be intuition.
The pilot for the db_interface isn’t going to be released next week.
Now, it’s going to be released on April 14th.
Mr. Frodo did make it a point to communicate though, which is good.
I won’t call it a step in the right direction, because he could, and probably will, regress back into the depths of rudeness and corporate idiocy.
He has a meeting with the other blind employee tomorrow, which I unfortunately can’t be a part of.
He says he’ll discuss with me afterwords though.
Once again, we’ll see what happens.
Mr. Frodo says the guy seems to be “genuine and honest,” which could mean anything from he actually is genuine and honest, to he’s really good at the corporate spin.

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