@WilJames @msippi Her snapper might, but she probably won’t. I hope she scratches you so hard and so often that you bleed.
@msippi Thank you very much!
@WilJames @msippi That’s not meat, it’s an extra belly button. You need tweezers to put that thing away.
Dear lighter: please stop being mean to me and light. I need another dose of nicotine because it helps with the headaches. No love, me.
@mektastic Yeah he’s a real piece of work.
@FreakyFwoof @reevesman Well, I was actually going to try to be professional about it, but you may have a point.
@reevesman I read that entry, and was completely disgusted. Considering writing a response.
@msippi See it thanks.
@stickbear Aw man that sucks. But at least you’re getting better and there are people tending to your injuries.
@stickbear Are you still in the hospital?
@stickbear Actually, soup can be either liquid or thick. Depends on what the cook is looking for.
@jamminjerry By all means, please continue to smoke.
@darrell Said driver should lose his license/permit for that.
New term coined by my Buddhism prof for a chair: Assthrone.
@darrell If abused children come to the attention of any mandated reporter, that reporter should take the quickest route: CPS.
@darrell As I said, I strongly disagree with this point of view.
@darrell @CathyAnneMurtha Disagree. If teachers encounter abused children, they shouldn’t have to call the police, who might then call CPS.
@johnmill79 Tell Calvin I said he has to. Because I’m on here, and I’m special.
@johnmill79 You need to get Calvin on Twitter.
I finally get to go home!