@Goldfingas No stealing!
@QueenofSpain I have a support cane that has a horse’s head on the top. It’s an antique.
@nightdrake Nope that’s not snooty at all.
@PeggySueCusses it’s in settings, and you have to change your timezone in the clock.
@mektastic Yay service chiaken!
@mrgriffy09 Lol love it.
@quanin I don’t know but I wish they’d become unpopular real quick. Hate blinky words like that.
@Andrea_3207 Yeah that is kind of puke-inducing.
@jamminjerry Oh I’m sure whoever this person is is shaking in her boots.
@GoodForTheJews Yes! Awesome!
@LevequeThots Lol…
@mclgreenville Gourmet hotdog? What’s a gourmet hotdog?
@bradproctor Oh yeah @suddenlink is *definitely guilty.
@BryanAbrams Welcome back. I was wondering if you were still posting from your own account.