@Blair_42 So when are you going to write us something better?
There are 20+computers in here. So you’d think they’d run the air conditioner. I need to leave the logic at home… #FB
I think I know why I hate this class and lab so much. Not one person laughs. At all. (@ Austin Building w/ 2 others) http://t.co/Q9HfP4O6
O praise God this class is finally over! #FB
@kvandenhoek Aw poor thing. Hope she gets better soon.
@amy0223 @toonhead We might have to make some arrangements for you to share… Or else! J/K
@toonhead @amy0223 And yes all the Starwars movies have een “touched up”.
@toonhead @amy0223 I think I have the honest to God 1977 original Starwars on VHS. Haven’t found it on DVD.
@shazza59 @mektastic Wondering if GetGlue will do things with books and if it would be easier to use…
@wa4wga @radiodude *snigger. Global warming my ass.
@typhooncindy Oh please please please please let this be the case!
I was really hoping this class would be canceled today. (@ Austin Building w/ 3 others) http://t.co/YKCAEof1