@AriDavidUSA LOL yeah really.
@stick_bear I think if you’re going to play with cms’s, then you need to learn about .htaccess. It’s very powerful. #peoplearestupid
@AriDavidUSA It’s a mystery. Accept it on faith. 🙂
@stick_bear Oh. That’s totally different. But consider that a pre-emptive bitch from me. LOL
@quanin @stick_bear Yep. The more machines you have, virtual or otherwise, the easier it is for things to go wrong.
@AriDavidUSA I think he’s just metrosexual.
@wesderby It will rename on the other person’s end.
@JonathanMosen Yeah it’s kind of like superbowls and chicken wings and beer.
@stick_bear If you hate doing this so much, you can pass it to me, but you shouldn’t bitch about your customers in a public forum.
@hllf @mektastic This is true.
@TheOrangeCircle I use Flipzu: http://t.co/Oi81sJ8d and my iPhone.