@NeeNee0161 @Rob_GAC I don’t believe hell exists. I believe that if you’re evil enough for hell, then you are just annihilated.
@Kellys_saucer Yes, and they are arranged, in Hebrew at least, according to the letters of the alphabet, 8 verses for each letter.
It’s days like this when I really hate being blind. Lighter dropped off the arm of the couch and seems to have completely disappeared. GRRR!
Damn damn damn damn!
@msippi Rescheduled since I couldn’t get in touch with Andrew or my aunts. It’s set for Wednesday.
@stickbear I don’t think we have those. But then, it’s not the most important thing to do either.
@stickbear Like what?
So apparently classes do not start today. Found this out while standing at the bus stop. Unexpected free day I guess.
@Mexi77 Ah yes, but Psalm 119, which verse? There are over 100 of them.
@bardsong So if the measurement turns out to be bad for accessibility, what happens next?
@miahtech @bardsong You’d be surprised at what students are able to demand these days.
@mektastic @loravara @bardsong “to hell with the rest” is my constant motto.
@bardsong @miahtech I will listen to the recordings and transcribe them.
@bardsong @miahtech otherwise I will record classes and take notes and then once class ises are done for the day
@bardsong @miahtech usually in classes where there are a lot of non-English terms being written on the board very quickly.
@bardsong @miahtech Well I suppose we should mark me down as not independent as well, because on some occasions I will use human notetakers.
@bardsong Well then, sounds like there’s a mailing list you should leave. LOL
@bardsong I didn’t realize there’s a national association of blind students. Are they as useless as that title sounds?
@Mexi77 It’s kind of like eggrolls, except there’s meat inside with things like potatoes at least in some cases.
I don’t like umbrellas in my drinks. They get in the way of the drinking.