We had salisbury steak with noodles and green beans for dinner, and, wow.

Those were the thickest slices of salisbury steak I’ve ever eaten

It never occurred to me that someone would make it from scratch. I mean, obviously it’s possible, because you can homemake anything, but the only salisbury steak I’ve eaten before this came from a box, since I was a kid.

So yeah, I wasn’t expecting super-thick slices with homemade gravy.

And it’s not even that I don’t like salisbury steak from a box. It’s good enough over some rice or potatoes. But I’m going to have to get a recipe for that because it would be great for sandwitches with onion.

I want to put an Apple Watch on a drummer from a speed metal band. Then, I want that drummer to perform a concert, and I want to see the results. Specifically, the step count and the exercise/move numbers. That would be really interesting. Come on speed metal drummers, cough up your data! Think of the children!

I re-added my main feed so I could continue using Icro to post to Micro.blog. It apparently does not work if you add a single post kind feed. Having to load the mobile version of the ad new post screen from my WordPress it’s just a little bit too much work. I like to be able to compose a note quickly on my phone without having to navigate through a bunch of headings and buttons and check boxes. I’m not sure how all of the other post will show up, like chickens, but do not have a title, on Twitter, but I guess we will figure this out. I don’t post very much, so this shouldn’t become a real issue. Not chickens, check ends. God, dictation on the iPhone still sucks. Now I am tempted to go create a chicken post kind, just for laughs.

Just a quick test after re-entering my information for my website into Icro’s WordPress posting set up. For some reason, posting to WordPress stopped working, and I’m trying to troubleshoot what the problem is. In other news, I managed to complete 30 minutes on the bike, and will likely make my 600 points for today.

Just a quick test. I attempted to publish a post using my phone on Friday, but apparently it did not publish. There was some router configuration going on at the time, so it’s very possible but it did not post because I was writing it at the same time the configuration was happening. Better luck this time, I suppose.

Guess who starved their Apple Watch to death during a workout today? That’s right kids, me! So I had to charge it in order to get my last couple of stands and my last two workouts in in order to achieve my 600 points for my Apple Watch competitions. I had most of it knocked out by 10 o’clock this morning though. I will probably do the same thing again tomorrow.

I am so glad to be done working for today. Today was as crazy as Mondays usually are, except towards the end of the day things got very crazy very fast. I ended up multitasking during my last meeting, and we all know how dangerous multitasking can be. For now though, it’s time to think about dinner.