There was that thing though when people who didn’t carry the disease were absolutely blamed and then the carriers depployed the power of the state and the church (but I repeat myself) to make sure the healthy paid dearly for being healthy, including with their lives and the destruction of their communities. Until we get anywhere remotely close to anything similar happening to those who defiantly refuse to take any Covid19 vaccine, sit this one out.

Update: the bullshit continues. Now one of the other misfit toys is involved and poor Ivan is mad that his account handles were published.

Ivan Soto
(Email address and IP address redacted, for now)
Why are you mad when ramon taught you a social skill, you were teaching him also though
Also why did you publish my 2 previusly owned accounts?
BTW: Please delete this post if you don’t wanna be punished, according to a dream which ramon dreamt.

And there’s yet another:

(email address and IP address redacted, for now)
Hey Amanda
I suggest you remove this post, it isn’t nice to write this way about my friend in your website, cause he doesn’t like what you did, at the same time you
are letting ramon to continue this without you even know that
Also: He told me everything about what happened, when I looked at his tweets, and what he wrote is true, and good that you quoted here
this is actually a social skill, blocking because you don’t have a responce isn’t a good idea, at least you might think of an answer.
Also: My Friend dreamt of a god and he told me that if this post is removed god won’t punish you in this world, also I told Ramon not to contact you after
the removal of this post.
you have 72 hours to remove this post, if you didn’t remove it with in 72 hours I’ll take actions against you and I might report you to the federal authorities.

The post stays up. If Ivan didn’t want his secret accounts made public he should have thought about that before he handed them to his little buddy to use as part of a targeted harassment campaign. The accounts have also been reported as being used as part of said campaign, (0171558765 and 0171987816 for reference). They’re also now properly linked in case anyone else these little shitbirds has decided to fuck with also has had enough and wants to report.

Now I’ll just pop some popcorn and wait for the sweet sweet divine retribution I’ve been promised. Oh and that super scarry legal action.

I am primarily an NVDA user. I switched after close to twenty years of Jaws for Windows usage, (including a stint as a technical support rep, so yeah, I’m really familiar with how it works), because as a web developer NVDA meets my needs better than Jaws does when it comes to less hand-holding and more stability. But I still keep a copy of the latest Jaws for Windows around because part of my job as a web developer is ensuring as much cross-screen-reader compatibility as possible along with cross-browser compatibility. Every single time I load Jaws to test something I re-encounter a host of bugs, random crashes, the need to kill the jfw.exe process when it randomly stops speaking and reload, only to find that now the display chain is fucked so let’s kill process after process after process and load clean. And yet, the National Federation of the Blind feels it necessary to go after Apple and leave Freedom Scientific alone. I’ll be the first one to tell you as a web developer that there are times I’d like to see VoiceOver die in a healthy forest fire. But Jaws for Windows is buggier by far, and I expect that the only reason the NFB is going after Apple is because it’s not giving proper obeisance and providing a suitable offering as its act of worship. Why doesn’t the NFB just come out and say that, as long as you pay for an indulgence, you’ll be fine. The NFB will leave you alone, look the other way, ETC. Also, how can the NFB be trusted as an accessibility advocacy organization when it’s more than clearly indicated that it’s willing to jump in bed with, and snuggle up to, any organization that’s willing to fill its coffers, regardless of whether or not they’re doing anything about accessibility? That’s not an advocacy organization, it’s a shake-down organization. But yes, we should totally trust their judgment when they sue people over websites.