Right about now I have a serious hate churning inside me for the WordPress Media Uploader. But even though it’s giving me no end of problems, (I’ve been working on this same post for the last two hours), I’m still going to share these pictures because they’re awesome.
As Father Z has noted, there have been two comets visible throughout the last two weeks. Whether you’ve been able to see them or not depends on where you are. I haven’t looked at Rapture Ready, but I’m sure they’re really nutting up over there since comets were seen as omens in previous centuries, and there have been two of them visible in such a short time.
And now, on with the pictures. All of these come from Astronomy Picture of the Day, which is a great site because, along with the pretty pictures, they provide nice descriptions with lots of links.
For my blind visitors, I have uploaded this as a gallery since I had to do this via email, and it contains the following pictures, in no particular order. I apologize. I had planned to put these up with nice, descriptive alt tags and everything. Most of these pictures are of Panstarrs. One of them was taken over Boulder, Colorado, with the sunset; one was taken with the Tucson Mountain Range featured along with the new moon; one of them was taken from a space vehicle and features Earth and a mass coronal eruption; and lastly, one is a picture of both Panstarrs and Lemmon, (the other comet), both visible at the same time at sunset.