Total steps: 2375
Floors climbed: 0
Calories burned: 1652
Elevation gained: 0 feet
Traveled: 0.99 miles
Sedentary minutes: 884
Lightly active minutes: 175
Fairly active minutes: 0
Very active minutes: 0
Yep, I was pretty much completely lazy yesterday. I’m supposed to go work out today, so that will definitely increase the step and activity numbers, but yesterday neither myself nor the friend I go work out with felt good, so no trip to the gym. We’ll see what happens today.

One of the playlists I maintain on Spotify is one called “Tired of Stupid.” I made it public and am allowing others to collaborate on it, so of course Wil and Denise joined in and have added to its greatness. It’s become quite respectable by this point. I started with twenty or so tracks, and it’s now up to seventy-seven as of this writing.

One of the songs that got added by either Wil or Denise, “Drink!” by Alestorm, is today’s work loop. It’s become one of my favorite songs from the list, and I’m in the process of discovering more from Alestorm.

Here’s the official video. Enjoy.