This is an incredibly glib response to the issue of why people or products haven’t jumped on the Gutenberg bandwagon.

I’m sure I’ve already raised several objections to this strawman explanation but I’ll continue to do so every time it gets raised by Matt.

Speaking for myself, I’ve been using computers since before there were true screen readers. I’ve adapted with every single change to that piece of software alone, to say nothing of operating system changes and application changes and even WordPress changes since 2005. I promise you, this is not about being afraid of change. And I seriously doubt “afraid of change” is the case for even half of the rest who haaven’t aadopted Gutenberg.

As of June 9, 2021, Gutenberg is still an efficiency and useability nightmare, despite the technical accessibility improvements that have happened over the last two years or so. I see this every day with my own usage, John’s own usage, (and he’s got just as much or even slightly more experience with computer usage than I do), with clients who use assistive technology of any kind, and even with clients without any disability who don’t spend all their time living in their WordPress dashboards.

I have a single client who truly does enjoy Gutenberg, and that’s because their only familiarity with using WordPress was through visual composer.

I’m not saying, and I’ve never said, that WordPress should never change. I get that WordPress needs to adapt, I get that it needs to modernize, and I have no problem with any of this.

What I have a problem with is that adaptation being poorly thought through and poorly managed, the complete disregard for tons of completely avoidable problems having been created during almost the entire development cycle of Gutenberg, the prioritization of dreams at the expense of technical realities, (see that whole discussion on GitHub about how Gutenberg is never going to be Microsoft Word on the web no matter how much that’s wanted by product designers), and then the pretense that none of this has happened and that everything is just peachy and it’s all about people just being afraid to change.

If this were really about being afraid of change or unwillingness to evolve, I would have quit using computers cerca 1995 around the time of quite literally a seismic shift in the way screen readers work under the hood and the way they present information to users. Or that other seismic shift in 1998/9 or so when MSAA became a thing. Or that other one in 2006 when Web 2.0 became a thing.

But I didn’t. And that should tell you something.

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$100 says this attempt at a new ghetto for people with disabilities is merely an aggregator for sites loading their script.

Another $100 says that, if they actually approached any people with disabilities to inquire about any problems we might have with using search engines, the Chief Vision Officer is the only person with a disability they asked.

I suppose it’s easy to say you’ll make the web accessible by 2025 when you can just build yourself a safe space and then pretend it’s the web. But AccessiBe’s self-constructed safe space isn’t the web any more than Facebook is.

I’ll stick with the open web, thanks.

No really, I promise, we’re not just “stirred by thought leaders”. I can state with complete confidence that neither Karl Groves nor Adrian Roselli have gotten in touch with me in any manner to offer beers in exchange for negative comments about AccessiBe. 😛 And really, that’s all it would take, that is, if we must mix in some stirring by thought leaders.

I could be this easily bribed to slam AccessiBe because the product doesn’t solve even half the problems it claims to solve, hell will freeze over before they manage to make the entire web accessible, and Ekerling, at least, is a lying liar who lies.

There. I said it. Publicly. The AccessiBe hashtag on Twitter is overflowing with examples of websites that don’t work, complete with videos of users experiencing them not working. Ekerling knows this. So we’re well past ignorance and well into lying territory.

Update on #AccessiBe’s insistence that its screen reader mode alert is no longer on by default.

As of Friday 30 April 2021 at 09:25 Eastern, it is in fact still there and still as annoying as ever. I’m logged into Namecheap on a computer accessing a network that doesn’t have AccessiBe’s domains blocked.

So if this hasn’t been added already, add another outright AccessiBe lie to the list. Man, you guys are really racking these up.

I think I’ve officially gotten to the point where, if a podcast doesn’t have a transcript, I’m skipping it.

First, because actual accessibility. Second, because it’s a whole lot easier for me to quickly scroll through a transcript to find the thing I was interested in.

I agree with this entire thread, especially the action part.

Don’t get me wrong. Awareness is great. But we’ve been doing awareness now for I don’t know how many years or even decades, and it just seems to me that for every step forward we take, there are six more going backwards.

If awareness doesn’t become actuion, it’s just feel-good talk. And I’m starting to wonder if all the talk being generated around accessibility isn’t getting to a point where we’re seeing diminishing returns.

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I’d like to raise a glass upon the new redesign of @LFLegal’s website by @nataliemac of @hiredigitally.

Lainey’s website has been, ever since I encountered it more than a few years ago, an absolute joy to browse and use.

And it just keeps getting better and better.

It’s also a joy to link to in other contexts, (Episode 19 of the Making Better podcast, for example), because I know for a fact that if podcast listeners click the link to Lainey’s site in that episode they will find everything they could possibly want to know about either Lainey Feingold or structured negotiation.

The ease of finding things became important when I was editing the intro text for the Making Better episode because I found myself in the position of having to edit text for length while also not leaving out important stuff.

Looking forward to the reign of our dolphin overlords,

A very happy user

A post by Devin PraterDevin Prater (
This just has to come out. You know, thinking about Microsoft's Surface Duo or whatever, all I can think of it is that it's running Android. Why? Because hardware doesn't matter to me, not that much. Sure, RAM and CPU power matters to me, and disk space of course. But what really matters, ...

I’m just curious. Is there anyone other than Fandroids, (die-hard fans of Android) or Google who is seriously suggesting that Android is on par with Apple when it comes to productive accessibility?

On a more serious note, I think Devin’s making a very valid point. Apple may be a company I hate to love, but there’s a reason I switched from Android to Apple a long time ago and it has nothing to do with my love of corporations

The only part of Devin’s post I’d quibble with is the part about whether or not people are pushing for accessibility in the open source arena. If there’s not buy-in from project maintainers and/or project founders, accessibility is going to be an up-hill battle.

And it doesn’t help that the leadership of the open source and free software communities are basically ambivolent at best about this whole accessibility thing.

I was actually looking into getting myself a Surface, but if they’re running Android I think I’ll hold off on that.

Oh and hi devin, glad I found you on the fediverse. That was a nice Monday morning bonus.

Hey accessibiliBuddies in case you were wondering there really are developers out there who will tell you with a straight face that you can just sprinkle some ARIA on their totally original non-semantic use of html comments and the stuff inside will be displayed in the browser as they intend.

Translating Design Wireframes Into Accessible HTML/CSS by Harris Schneiderman
In this article, Harris Schneiderman walks you through the process of analyzing a wireframe and making coding decisions to optimize for accessibility.

The most efficient way to build accessible websites and apps is to “shift left” by incorporating accessibility testing into the earliest stages of your development and design process. In this article, Harris will walk you through the process of analyzing a wireframe from an accessibility perspective and making coding decisions to optimize for accessibility in both design and development phases.

Focus On Beaver Builder Accessibility - Is the End Product Accessible? by Claire Brotherton
Someone recently asked me about how accessible the Beaver Builder page builder is. Beaver Builder is a very popular page builder for WordPress that lets user

This was written at the end of last year. I’m glad to see the improvements BB has made with regard to accessibility. I’ve given them a lot of criticism in the past and it’s only fair to also highlight when they’ve improved.

Rest in peace, power and light, @AccessibleJoe (Joseph O’Connor)

You made the accessibility community as a whole a better, stronger place, and for me at least, you were and are the patriarch of the WordPress Accessibility Team. You helped make it a family, and more importantly, you taught me more things that had nothing to do with the technical aspects of web accessibility than I can enumerate.

Thank you for being the person you were and are and always will be, and when my time comes to enter the World to Come, I hope to be able to report to you that every battle for the rights of people like your beloved daughter has been fought and won.

Just popping my head up to offer some very rare but well-earned praise for GoDaddy.

I just had to log into their DNS manager to update a record for a client. I found that the record editing process was extremely accessible which made my job easier.

There are of course still improvements that need to be made to the interface, but I’m glad to see that some accessibility work has been done.

On a related note, WPEngine is promising a new interface with keyboard accessibility, which is also a welcome improvement.

I’m looking forward to that.