Supposedly, the database from hell was upgraded last night, and so we’re supposed to have all the attendant problems. Yay Java! At any rate, the hyperlinks have been updated, but as of yet the actual upgrade isn’t there. Should make for a lot of chaos. Definitely looking forward to it. I had an exhausting day yesterday, and I really don’t want another one today. But thanks to someone else’s unpreparedness, it looks as though I’ll get it. Just once, I’d like a day that doesn’t involve any of my normal adventures, or system downtime, or cue The work day didn’t start out exactly as I would have liked either. I filled my tumbler up with Mountain Dew, and some of it spilled in the people carrier. That’s not where the Dew is supposed to be. I have a decent schedule today, so that’s good. My lunch break is right in the middle of the day, and that’s a lot better than yesterday’s, which was at 14:00 (2 in the afternoon). I’m hoping that, by the time I get back to the Yid-Palace this afternoon, I’m not completely trashed, and can actually manage to get something productive done later on tonight, like laundry.

Taken from

I’m so sick and tired of this shit!
We’ve been in cue since I got here this morning, there are a ton of people off the phones, and the people are just getting on my nerves!
I’m sick and tired of all their stupidity, and whining!
I wish today was over already!
There’s no way in hell I’m working overtime!
I’m completely pissed, and fed up with the whole damned thing!

Taken from

I just took my first call of the day.
They had WolfFM in their background.
If you haven’t listened, you really should.
Steve Wolf creates a very nice blend of today’s adult contemporary hits, along with those of the 70’s, 80’s, and the 90’s.
I’ll shamelessly plug when I have more time.
Anyway, I wish they’d let me listen at work.
I’d probably get a lot more done.
The music’s arranged in such a way to make productivity optimum.
I’d think my employer would probably make everyone listen if they could manage it.

Taken from

Wednesday, before the hurricane hit, everybody bailed. So the company ordered pizza for the people who stayed. Unfortunately, there were three of us who didn’t get to have any because we were stuck on the phone all afternoon. We put in for paid time off, but it wasn’t aproved. So John bought us doughnuts out of his own pocket, and let us eat them this morning. That was very nice of him, and greatly appreciated.

Taken from

The server went down again this morning.
I’m not sure how long it was down for, and I’m not sure how long it’s going to be up.
I started looking at hosting arrangements this morning, but didn’t get far as I didn’t have a ton of time.
I’m really not in the mood to deal with all the members today.
They’re getting on my nerves just for being members.
This whole damned place is getting on my nerves.
I’m fed up with it.

I just got done dealing with a woman who decided to call very early in the morning to bitch about how she got two different forms of a prescription, both brand and generic.
Of course, she didn’t send in the second script, and neither did her doctor, and it’s all my fault.
People shouldn’t be able to bitch this early in the morning.
It’s just not normal.
Most of us are still trying to go from autopilot to manual at that point, and we’re definitely not in the mood to put that much energy in to a bitchfest.
That call lasted over thirty minutes.
I really hope it’s not the norm for the day.

Taken from

Since it seems I can’t get this thing to just post the damned entry in full, I’m lying to the excerpt generator thingy and telling it to post up to a million characters. Nothing I could possibly post would have that many characters. I really am not in the mood for this thing to screw me around.