@blindtech So do you have a website?
@blindtech God I love patronization. My day isn’t complete without it.
@blindtech @ppatel I hope this is a joke, because @kathyannemertha has been doing this a lot longer than you have. http://t.co/PRZKQiM8
@steveofmaine Wow. Just… wow.
@matt692 Yeah me too, except I crash right after I get home a lot of the time.
@matt692 It’s not that it’s not found, it’s that you’re forbidden to sleep.
@matt692 No, it’s a 403.
@SammyBabygirl Hope you feel better girl.
@byron27 When did Sammy go home, and I hope she had a safe trip.
@reevesman Aw man that sucks.
@blindtravel Fill in home, and put N/A in the other slots if they’re required.
@chrisreagan It’s probably spam.
@SuddenlinkAsh I spoke to someone about it Saturday and was supposed to get a call back that day, but this didn’t happen.
@SuddenlinkAsh Had it for a while, and now your office is saying I have no net on my account at all.
@SuddenlinkAsh Yeah. In January I ordered your 15MB down package as the net addon for my account,
@mektastic Aw yeah baby, welcome to Monday.
@dfibraio Relax dude, it’s sarcasm.
@dfibraio But Damon, the customer is *always right, even when they’re horribly wrong. Never forget that. </sarc>
@JonathanMosen This is an awesome development.
@wa4wga @marrie1 And besides that, in the case of webcasters it’s an idiom.