Lord knows I have some very strong criticisms of the blind community, but if you think that the solution to constant negativity in your social media feeds is hang out with less blind people you haven’t spent time in any other small, tight-knit community. And if you want a less bitchy social media feed, spend less time on social media. Step away from your keyboard and your phone and go outside. I swear, the people constantly bitching about drama are worse than the people supposedly creating the drama.

Why I Have a Website and You Should Too by Jamie TannaJamie Tanna
A persuasive look at the many reasons why you should have your own website, and some of the benefits it will bring you.

This post has a lot of takeaways for non-developers and even non-technical people. You don’t need to be a geek to have a website.

Personally, I think it’s vitally important, for example, to use a website to maintain a record of all the free accessibility testing you do as a person with disabilities. While I’d rather that the “f*ck you, pay me” approach be adopted instead of every organization and its brother jumping on mailing lists and social media asking for free work from persons with disabilities, maintaining a record of all the free work you do that can be used later to complete the experience section of your resume is the next best thing.

It’s Friday, and I started the work day finding out that today is actually going to be the most full and most crazy day of the week. Three-day wekends are great, but then four-day work weeks make you pay for that greatness by piling five days of work into four.

I plan to spend Shabbat catching up on Elul preparations, reading others’ entried in the #BlogElul challenge/series, and generally relaxing.

I’ve closed my rings on the Apple Watch all but one day this week, and that one day I didn’t close them I was ten perecent away from closing my move ring, so I’m not that disappointed. Next week’s another week.

We are fast approaching the end of Thursday in the work day sense, and I, for one, will be happy to see that end. For being a four-day week, this one’s been a bit crazy, and there’s a book I’d like to get back to reading.

I had a big lunch today and am skipping having a big dinner, in case I decide to go to bed early. Since I had a big lunch, I’ll just snack and graze throughout the rest of the day.

There are a ton of fresh tomatoes on my counter, and by fresh I mean straight from a garden, and I plan to slice at least one of them up, sprinkle salt and pepper on the slices, and enjoy a refreshing snack while I read later on.