@timothyclark13 Actually you’ve been tagged as possible spam by several services because of all the retweets.
@IanBaird11 Doesn’t look to be true. Searching the news and nothing’s coming up.
@IanBaird11 @alyankovic No longer with us? Is there a rumor he died or something?
@blindtravel go to run and type %appdata% After this, go to Qwitter and delete your .durus file.
@reevesman So I have some stuff you should look at. It’s not spam. Grin.
@WilJames Why are you looking at scooters? Did something happen?
@timothyclark13 If these people have public timelines, then if people are interested, they can follow said people.
@timothyclark13 Is there a particular reason why you retweet replies to you? If we wanted to know what these people say to you, we’d follow!
@OHCONSERVATISM Yeah, because we know you went out and twisted all their arms and *made them vote. </sarc>
@thejewess Yeah I accidently hit enter, and that sends tweets with this client. I think that’s the first time that’s happened.
@tcal1961 @thejewess they’re just as much a practicing Jew, even though they’re Christians.
@tcal1961 @thejewess No I think it’s a little worse than that, because the J4Js are trying to make people think they
@rosnersdomain Endangered rep? Is that like an endangered species?
@thejewess I don’t get it either. Why don’t they just call themselves Christians, like every other Christian? It’s deceptive.
@hsabomilner I’m glad your power is finally back on, and hope you get better from the crud.
@SeveraSnape That’s going to make for a very long day. I hope you get through it with everyone else in one piece. Grin.
@skjask That’s going to be a hard meeting. I hope everything goes well.
@hllf mention mention mention mention!
RT @ThatKevinSmith: CATHOLICS! Tomorrow is All Saints – a Holy Day of Obligation. It means mandatory, mid-week church-attendance or Jesu …
@MargieInTelAviv True.