@SirSucio @fredshead @Object_InSpace Why not just buy a netbook?
@TheOrangeCircle @sapphireangel @Andrea_3207 Uh, not exactly. Jews, for example, reject your NT, but consider the Tanach completely valid.
@JihadiJew I wish someone would inform my professors of that.
@ScienceOfChaos @mektastic Or just nappidy
@Blair_42 Yeah, but you took the bate.
@Blair_42 Oh. OK that’s what I was looking for, you ass. Grin.
@Blair_42 What program? And what fix?
@tikva Guess who’s going to be on the news later…
@shazza59 God that’s such a cool name for a restaurant.
@Blair_42 Oh bite me.
@Blair_42 What’s the pic of? I mean I get that Doug’s in it, but what’s so cool about it?
@jpodhoretz He probably got tired or bored with posting them. Either that or someone said something to him about it.
RT @IGetU2C: C program run. C program crash. C programmer quit.
@jewnet Mazal tov!
@isfullofcrap Aw man you can’t be out of sarcastic responses, they make the world go round.
@wa4wga Listening.
@Blair_42 Very nice.
@Blair_42 I think I want that phone. Can you send me the model number?
@Blair_42 Yeah me too.
@Blair_42 I would have switched phones at least four times during that marathon and both would have been dead by the end.