@RicksterTheGeek What’s the most important day of the Jewish year?
@RicksterTheGeek Prove you are.
@RicksterTheGeek I can’t believe this. I have a non-Jew trying to tell me which is the right way to spell it. This is rich.
@RicksterTheGeek Correct spelling of Hanukah: http://t.co/up7The0t Try again.
@RicksterTheGeek Prove it! LOL
@blindtravel Aw man that sucks. Was it something stupid you did?
@RicksterTheGeek No, I spelled it with Sephardi pronunciation.
@blindtravel Why are you no longer a grad student? Did you finish?
@jamminjerry Right spelling? Unfortunately for you, there are a billion right spellings. But thanks all the same.
@BlahBlahBlah410 I mean, what’s your iPhone question?
@BlahBlahBlah410 What’s up?
@BECKAHSHAE Thanks for this verse. I needed it.