@mektastic Yeah he could have given it to me. We’re in the same state. LOL
@CalmWaters73 @Tr_Diva @richcav @MusicOfHope @Mexi77 They do, but they also don’t do things like this to draw attention to themselves.
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @Mexi77 Sorry, but I’ve been in that situation, and I’d rather not be on the losing end again.
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @Mexi77 And if someone comes into my place armed, then I’m not assuming they’re looking for milk and cookies.
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @Mexi77 If it comes down to someone killing me, or me killing them, I’m voting for me.
@GShang Yeah, it was willful destruction, but would people be freaking out as much if he had run it over, or thrown it away?
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @Mexi77 @amy0223 Not because of some perception of equality on their part.
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @Mexi77 @amy0223 You treat your children well because you love them and want what’s in their interest, TBC
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @Mexi77 @amy0223 No. If you’re a kid, and you live in your parents house, then you have to obey their rules.
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @Mexi77 @amy0223 Your parents aren’t your friends, and you’re not their equal.
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @Mexi77 @amy0223 you feel you deserve more respect.
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @Mexi77 @amy0223 Kids have rules, and they’re supposed to follow them. You don’t get to pick just because TBC
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @Mexi77 @amy0223 That girl’s not entitled to be treated like an adult.
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @Mexi77 Yeah, but this particular wasn’t abusive. Stupid, yes, but not abuse.
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @Mexi77 Most of them don’t shoot things, but they act in the same way.
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @Mexi77 But, living in the same area he does, I have seem people get to the end of their rope.
@CalmWaters73 @richcav @Mexi77 No it’s not. And if any evidence of abuse comes out, then they should be all over him like white on rice.
@CalmWaters73 @Tr_Diva @richcav @MusicOfHope @Mexi77 And I promise you, I’m all for going after abusers.
@CalmWaters73 @Tr_Diva @richcav @MusicOfHope @Mexi77 Until more facts come out.
@CalmWaters73 @Tr_Diva @richcav @MusicOfHope @Mexi77 But that’s not what happened here and I think you can’t say there’s abuse going on TBC