This week I worked my ass off to ensure that I could have a three-day weekend. Thursday night I got some beer in preparation for my birthday. I haven’t spent the last two days in a drunken stupor, but I have spent some time drinking and spending time on Facetime with Wil and Denise, which I haven’t really done for long periods of time since they moved to Charlotte. And I’ve thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I will spend some more time celebrating today and tomorrow. Then I will get back to the grindstone on Monday, refreshed and relaxed and able to concentrate better. I’ve slept very well the last two nights, and expect to do so again tonight and Sunday night, and this will definitely help. I hope the trend continues for a while after this weekend.

I plan to spend the rest of today and tomorrow having fun and doing absolutely nothing related to work. I might even play some games. Maybe even the hated Diceworld. 馃槢

I weighed in this morning, and learned that I only have twenty-two pounds to go until I reach my goal. Awesome. I won’t reach it by the end of this year, but I don’t have that much further to go, so goal will be a thing by early 2015. This is also awesome.

I’ve gotten back into a workout schedule of sorts, going three times a week for the most part. For right now, since I spent so much time away from the gym, I’m exercising for a half-hour and will gradually lengthen the time starting in January. I don’t want to do it too quickly.

I got myself the Fitbit Aria scale in November. It was a bear to set up but I managed it. So I’m using that scale at home instead of paying Weight Watchers to weigh in every week. I have enough discipline to make sure I exercise and eat reasonably healthy and keep track of my weight, and while Emily, (our favorite Weight Watchers meeting leader) is excellent, her meetings only happen on Saturdays and I wanted to start going to synagogue so a Saturday morning meeting isn’t going to work.

I still need to get myself a mat for the floor so I can exercise at home when I can’t make it to the gym for whatever reason. I like the seven-minute workout. I think it’s great. But concrete is hard. So I think that might be my birthday present to myself for 2015.

Until next time.