I want to put an Apple Watch on a drummer from a speed metal band. Then, I want that drummer to perform a concert, and I want to see the results. Specifically, the step count and the exercise/move numbers. That would be really interesting. Come on speed metal drummers, cough up your data! Think of the children!

Wow. Apparently I have not had enough coffee yet, because I just tried to log into a WordPress install on a domain I haven’t owned for a while now. I have no idea why I even typed that domain as I haven’t thought about it in months. Maybe even a year or more. I’m not sure why it popped into my head just now. I wasn’t planning to be up this early today, but my brain woke me up around 4AM, so up it is I guess. Welcome to Sunday.

Me, after the windows have been open for a few minutes: “Something smells good coming in here. It’s probably the drier.” The Sweety: “Na, I farted.” This is how you win Friday night, I’m still laughing. Shabbat shalom y’all.

Since I have to re-add tabs to the browser, I’ve decided micro.blog gets the first spot this time. I’ll be taking a good hard look at what gets launched at startup. Maybe I’ll leave some of them off. I’m still deciding. For right now, an ice cold root beer is in order.

Sooooooooo……. Firefox updated, and after the updates were finished, all my tabs are gone. How’s your Friday going? I’m going to be so glad when this day is finally over. The universe has been telling me all day I should not be working and it’s apparently hell-bent on forcing the issue. I may take Monday off as well since I didn’t get this past Monday off. Only two more hours left.