I’m not one to throw around the “not-a-real-accessibility-advocate” label, but if someone exhibits a pattern of excuse-making for inaccessibility on behalf of themselves or others or both, they need to hand in their A card. Same if that extends to encouraging fellow people with disabilities to accept excuse-making for inaccessibility. If you do all three then you probably need to be taken to the proverbial woodshed because excuse-making for inaccessibility is never, ever acceptable. Either you believe it’s OK to discriminate or you don’t. It’s that simple. Signed: Someone who was once rightfully taken to the woodshed.

Oh cool. I logged into micro.blog on my laptop, (which I haven’t done in a long time), and there’s a discussion of markdown versus HTML going on and it’s civil as usual. I’m team HTML because I find it much simpler than Markdown. In other news, I’ve started using My Fitness Pal again because it syncs with my Apple Watch and, (for that ecosystem), it’s the most accessible food tracker I’ve found. I started tracking my food again on Monday and I’ve made some slight changes to my diet, but I’m not expecting any losses this week. Because of the goal I’ve set for myself, I have a calorie allowance of 1870, which is amazingly hard to spread out over a day while I’m still collecting things like dishes and cooking gear. I’ll be happy if I don’t gain anything, but I don’t suppose I’m going to be too disappointed if I do. I’m still gettiing back into the habbit of keeping track of what I’m eating and drinking, so I suppose I’m cutting myself a little slack on making changes. The book challenge is going forward, although I need to spend some time with Goodreads logging the ones I’ve finished since I last logged one. I’ve finished the Prey Series, but it’s not all logged yet, and I’ve started rereading the Scott Harvath series by Brad Thor to introduce John to that series. I have some Audible credits to spend, so I picked up the next book in the Kill Chain series by William Hertling, Kill Switch. It’s the sequel to Kill Process, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I think this is enough for now, more next time.