A post from Greg McVerry by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry (quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com)
@cswordpress Wow, thanks for pointing this out! Was commenting at #IndieWeb organizing meeting that we have a strong #a11y presence, especially among people who use screen readers. Would love to learn more about your voice and journey. Maybe make a section here: https://indieweb.org/accessibility?

I agree that there is a strong accessibility presence within the Indieweb community. The focus on semantic HTML is the catalyst for this in my opinion. The backbone of accessibility is semantic HTML, which at its heart means using HTML elements as they were intended to be used. Thanks for making me aware of the accessibility page on the Indieweb wiki. Adding some information there could be useful to others. I’m getting back into the swing of writing things on my own sites again, and I still have several Indieweb tutorials to finish. Tiny steps.

I Am Cookie Dough by Allie Nimmons
I was always told I had to go to college. I was “gifted” so learning came easy and I enjoyed it.  From ages 6 to 18, I went to competitive accelerated schools designed to churn out college students. It was a narrow path I’d been set on, without encouragement to explore beyond.

These posts are often times the highlight of my week.

Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA
Various approaches have been employed over many years to distinguish human users of web sites from robots. The traditional CAPTCHA approach asking users to identify obscured text in an image remains common, but other approaches have emerged. All interactive approaches require users to perform a task believed to be relatively easy for humans but difficult for robots. Unfortunately the very nature of the interactive task inherently excludes many people with disabilities, resulting in a denial of service to these users. Research findings also indicate that many popular CAPTCHA techniques are no longer particularly effective or secure, further complicating the challenge of providing services secured from robotic intrusion yet accessible to people with disabilities. This document examines a number of approaches that allow systems to test for human users and the extent to which these approaches adequately accommodate people with disabilities, including recent noninteractive and tokenized approaches.

How accessibility trees inform assistive tech by Hidde de Vries
The web was designed with built-in features to make accessibility possible; these have been part of the platform pretty much from the beginning. In recent times, inspectable accessibility trees have made it easier to see how things work in practice. In this post we’ll look at how “good” client-side code (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) improves the experience of users of assistive technologies, and how we can use accessibility trees to help verify our work on the user experience.

Understanding SC 3.2.1 on Focus by Raghavendra Satish Peri
3.2.1 On Focus: When any component receives focus, it does not initiate a change of context. (Level A) The intent of this success criterion is to make sure that any unwanted actions are not initiated when focus moves on to an element. For example during tab navigation or shift tab navigation if user focus moves on to a link & a modal is triggered this fails this check point. Here user did not initiate this action; it was initiated when user focus moved on to a particular element.

Inclusive Content Strategy: How to Ensure Your Content is Accessible to Everyone by Deborah Edwards-Onoro
At the February 2019 Accessibility Talks online meetup, AmyJune Hineline, Drupal and WordPress Community Ambassador at Kanopi Studios, spoke about inclusive content strategy, what it means, and how to craft content that is accessible to everyone.

The Anatomy of Accessible Forms: The Problem with Placeholders by Deque Systems
Instructions help users to submit forms successfully. However, if the instructions are provided with a placeholder attribute, then the user might not be able to use that instruction effectively.

Yet another example of the need for HTML elements and attributes to be used as intended by the specification.

I think I’ve figured out a solution to my Twitter difficulties, specifically trying to manage two accounts. I have EasyChirp open in the browser for my personal account, and Open Tween open on the desktop for my work account. I suppose I could just use a private window in the browser as well for the other account, but as far as I can tell, you can’t respond to direct messages using EasyChirp, so I need a way to respond to those along with viewing two accounts at the same time. I have no idea what I’m going to do about managing the other accounts I have access to/manage. Open Tween will handle multiple accounts, but I’m still trying to figure out how you tell which one you’re sending from. Standard tweets are still easier from my websites. I already have the tabs open and it’s just easier to send from there. No character limit, plus all the other Indieweb advantages, while reading/retweeting from Open Tween/EasyChirp. Yeah, this is really complicated and hacky, but I think it’ll work.