For me, public reading is the act of cataloging the things I’m reading, sometimes so I can find said things later and sometimes for the sake of those times once every year or two when I page back through posts to get a personal glimpse of what’s been going on, how I’ve changed or my thoughts have changed, ETC.

I think performance can come into play, (I’ve read x number of books or x number of words, for example), but it doesn’t have to.

Keeping track of these kinds of statistics can serve ths personal journey retracing purpose, or as documentation of competition.

I think that in order for performance to come into play, there have to be people to watch/witness the performance, and that brings up whether or not personal websites serve the same purpose as your typical social media profile.

For me, my personal website serves the purpose of a social media profile only to the extent that, if someone asks why I’m not posting on Twitter, Facebook, ETC. because they’re interested in what’s going on in my life, at which point I’ll direct them to my website.

But other than that, if people follow, that’s great, and I enjoy the bits of conversation that can happen as a result of the following. If they don’t, that’s fine too, and I’ll keep posting/logging things.

I’d be lying if I said I hoped Lawrence Lessig wins this lawsuit.

Fact is, I hope he loses, if for no other reason than I’m sick and tired of powerful guys like this go on and on about free speech (TM), and then get all butthurt when someone exercises their right to same by saying mean things about them.

Or when they go on and on about free association, (as they necessarily do when advocating on behalf of the Firist Ammendment), only to then get all buthurt when others choose not to associate with them after they defend the indefenseable.

People like Lawrence Lessig are more than welcome to defend pedophiles, taking money from same, ETC. But those defenses aren’t free of social consequences, and that’s what they’re suffering here, social consequences.

And if you don’t like the social consequences, maybe don’t defend pedophiles or taking money from same.