It’s been horribly busy today.
My lunch isn’t until 14:00 this afternoon again.
It’s been like that for the last two weeks now.
We’re aparently having some new system of daily client scores to contend with now.
God, really, this is getting ridiculous.
Despite the fact we’ve been in cue all day, the time is moving very slowly.
I think I might see if they’re offering overtime this weekend, and, if they’re offering it on Sunday, go ahead and take some.
The extra money would be nice.
A caller has me on hold right now while she answers a call.
Ordinarily I would mind, but I just don’t care right now.
It’s giving me time to take a breather.
I’ve just been really out of it today for some reason.
I think it’s because I really miss my sweetheart.
It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other.
I still haven’t heard anything about the mentor position I spoke of applying for.
I’ll probably hear something next week sometime.

Taken from

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