I just got back here from lunch.
It’s extremely cold in here, and I’ll bet we’re still in cue like we have been all morning.
At least half the day is over and I can start working my way to its end.
When I get home I’ll attempt to finish the laundry.
A piece on the drier broke, and until I can get something to stick it back on, I’ll have to limp along without it.
It’s the piece in front of the lint screen, and I imagine the thing will be OK until I can get it fixed.
Nothing should get caught.
I’m applying for the support position that just became available today.
It won’t be any extra pay, but it’ll be something different, and I think I’ll actually be in a position to do something if something gets screwed up.
I’m aware though that it won’t be a bowl of peaches and cream.
They get a lot of crap, but so do I as a regular agent, so it’s pretty much six of one half a dozen of the other as far as I can see.

Taken from customerservant.com

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