Dear #1u #UberLyftStrike #UberShutDown I am totally on board with gig economy workers receiving just wages and all the benefits of employment, but these campaigns once again ignore the fact that, in a lot of locations, Uber and Lyft are the only sources of reliable transportation for people with disabilities who cannot drive and where public transportation is sorely lacking. People with disabilities cannot just take a day off work or cancel appointments for the sake of a boycott. Activism which mandates the participation of everyone without exception and without considering whether or not it is possible for everyone to participate fully is just as ableist as legislation which specifically targets people with disabilities, and just as in the legislation case, good intentions don’t mitigate the harm. And yes fellow liberals, I’m calling you on this, because theoretically at least, you’re supposed to know better. So, do better.
A strike is supposed to cause disruption though – just the same for public transport. If the employers are not paying the employees enough to live then it is their fault that they have forced the drivers to strike – not the drivers
Yes, a strike is supposed to cause a disruption. My post, however, was concerning the fact that oftentimes people with disabilities cannot afford to help cause that disruption. It had nothing to do with drivers.
Certainly. And that is a severe problem, thankyou for highlighting it, I hope it can be remedied by @Uber and @lyft by paying their drivers properly as they should have been from the start. They are causing huge difficulties by forcing drivers to do this. It is a real shame
Yes, I hope it all can be remedied too.