note Amanda CAARSON · 1 Sivan 5784 (Friday 7 June 2024) · 1 minute to read Waiting on groceries. We're having subs today.
@acarson we never know if we are, our grocery places often put in stuff you didn’t ask for.#badJoke. that was a play on sub as sandwich versus sub as substitution, which the grocery delivery people do if they can’t find exactly what you want here. badjoke Reply
@cachondo Ironically we’re negotiating a substitution with our shopper, which has nothing to do with the sub makings. Reply
@acarson we never know if we are, our grocery places often put in stuff you didn’t ask for.
#badJoke. that was a play on sub as sandwich versus sub as substitution, which the grocery delivery people do if they can’t find exactly what you want here.
@cachondo Ironically we’re negotiating a substitution with our shopper, which has nothing to do with the sub makings.