I have to start getting ready for work in about a half-hour, because I have
to be to work at 06:00 this morning.
Yes, it puts me off by 15:00, but that’s a very early start for the day.
It’s supposed to be in the 70’s today, which is odd for December.
It’ll probably be like this for Christmas Day too.
Oh well, at least it means I don’t need to run the heat.
L-J-ers, I’m surry I haven’t updated in a while, but the crosspost plugin
isn’t functioning correctly, and so far, there hasn’t been a fix.
You might want to add the Customerservant.com RSS feed to your feed readers,
if you’re using one.
The feed address is http://customerservant.com/feed/.
If you’re not using an RSS reader, I recommend that you do, because it will
give you a place to organize all the blogs/journals you read, and if you use
a web-based reader like Bloglines, Newsgator, or MyYahoo, you can access it
from anywhere.
I hope you’re all doing well.
A good week to all.