16 thoughts on “

  1. @arush I am so over this weather as our temps have been absolutely all over the place. cold, warm, freezing cold, warm, cold. you get the point. this week is no different. low to mic 40’s most of the week, except for I think friday where they are saying 61 for a high, but on saturday back to low to mid 40’s again.

  2. @arush the only time scairier than that was when one moring when I was in either eighth or ninth grade I skipped breakfast as I ran out of time getting ready for school, and the bus showing up. in the morning that year, we had jim class, and sometimes swimming. I got so bad in the swimming pool that day that ms toll, and mr. peterfish had to pull me out of the pool, and take me to the infermery, where I found out my blood sugar was 23. I got one hell of a chewing out from my adoptive mom telling me that I wasn’t aloud to skip breakfast anymore.

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