Web Accessibility Is Out To Get You And Make You Feel Sad by Heydon Pickering (heydonworks.com)
Since the landmark Domino’s case, I’ve been having some conversations about web accessibility with people who wouldn’t ordinarily take an interest. Some of these conversations have been productive; others have not. The following is a dramatization based on true events.

This is a good read to keep on hand for those days when you’ve lost your patience with the pushback regarding web accessibility and will probably be necessary until things like punching people and daydrinking become acceptable options for coping.

I’m still laughing. This is the funniest thing I’ve read when it comes to web accessibility in a very long time.

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  • User Avatar 💬 Amanda Rush(Placeholder, edit later) WordPress powers over a quarter of the web. With such a large market share comes a shared responsibility to create a web that everyone can use and enjoy, regardless of how they access it.

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