Well, it’s been a little over a week since my last post, and from what I’ve seen, a lot’s happened. Jerry left for Michigan last Friday, and I’m enjoying the jerrylessness. I’m not, however, enjoying the new, record-setting length of time that has passed since I’ve talked to Steve. I’m not blaming him, because, no matter what, he makes it a point to tell me he loves me at the end of every conversation, no matter now long or short it is. For that, I am very grateful. And, from what I understand, the work load is supposed to lessen in a little while, so that’s good. I just looked at Jamminjerry’s journal, and it looks like someone’s posted a nice little He’s apparently pissed someone off. He should be careful of that, because if you don’t know who your enemies are, you don’t know who your friends are, and thus you don’t know who’s pissed at you at any given time. Anyway, enough with the philosophical rambling. I watched Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, with description this week. I’m not sure which was funnier: The actual movie, or the description. To all who have commented on previous entries, notable Satanicharisma, I haven’t forgotten about your comments, and do plan to respond. I’ve just been spending the last week or so by myself, taking some much-needed me-time. I plan to post more often, but we’ll see what happens.

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