High of 46F (7.78C) today, winter is definitely on the way.
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High of 46F (7.78C) today, winter is definitely on the way.
High of 46F (7.78C) today, winter is definitely on the way.
High of 46F (7.78C) today, winter is definitely on the way.
@JamminJerry @acarson That just sounds brutal.
@gocu54 @acarson if you did it say once, or twice, they actually liked it, but you didn’t want to do it too much.
@gocu54 @JamminJerry Not really. Wait till it gets below 10 (-12.22C). And I’m in PA and Jerry’s in Michigan. Places like Minesota and Wisconsin and Nebraska and Colorado get much colder than 10.
@acarson @JamminJerry Fire, definitely, because that stuff gets right into your lungs and that’s just asking for a slow torcherous death. Yes, you can drown in a flood but its still not as painful as a fire might be, especially because fire burns and water doesn’t.
@acarson High of 50 here today with cold rain.
@acarson @gocu54 @JamminJerry I can attest to that, I can’t count how many times things in georgia when I lived there would shut down over just an inch or two of snow.
@CoryJackson Oh man I hope you get to stay inside for as much of it as possible.
@acarson I plan to.
@gocu54 @acarson you can’t actually say that, because I am sure drowning can be painful before you die in it too, so that isn’t completely true.