There's a cricket that has gotten into our kitchen, and since we don't know where it is and therefore can't catch it to get it back outside, we just started calling it Jiminy and will have to put up with it until it dies.

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25 thoughts on “

  1. @acarson Oh no. Poor cricket. And poor you. One time there was a cricket that got into the school, and it would chirp in the halls when people would congregate. I thought it was cute, but I imagine the situation is different in one’s own home, and kitchen. I hope some how you can find it and get it outside before it dies though. Chirp chirp! LOL.

  2. @adam Yeah I wonder the same thing, because we do. But apparently they will eat just about anything. They apparently especially like sweat-stained cloth, which we don’t have in the kitchen. Also carpet, which we also don’t have. Yes I’ve googled the crap out of crickets.

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