It always makes me just a little sad when I have to control the music volume while keeping in mind the screen reader volume. One of these days I'll figure out the best way to make this less of an issue with my on-board soundcard so I can occasionally crank up the music volume and then easily turn it back down when needed.

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6 thoughts on “

  1. @acarson

    My sound sensitivity combined with my stimulation needs means I almost always need/have a TV show/Movie/music playing but I also need to constantly adjust the volume for being too high or too low. It is incredibly frustrating.

    If you come up with a solution, some sort of thing that overrides a tablet/phone/TV’s sound output and remixes it to force it within a certain audio range, please let me know so I can use it too.

    #ActuallyAutistic #Autistic #Autism #Sound


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