We have the windows open because it's nice outside. I am sleepy and John is taking a nap, there's more beans left so I will likely eat some of that for dinner, and I'm doing my best to get the rest of today's work done. Shabbat can't come fast enough. #today

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16 thoughts on “

  1. @acarson I’ve got the windows open here too, although, I suspect today may be one of the last days that I’ll be able to do that because I think it’s going to start warming up. Right now, with the windows open and the oselating fan running in the living room, it feels just perfect. I’m dreading the day when the air has to be on pretty much 24/7.

  2. @acarson glad to hear your weather is nice, and that you can open the windows to get a breeze. unfortunitly we can’t get a breeze even if there is one outside. I think our windows just face the wrong way. all I know is that most of the time we have to use the air, as even if it is 60 outside, if the sun is out, when it is the afternoon, it gets up to 76 in here, and this weekend we are suppose to see 82 tomorrow, and 85 on sunday. can you guess where I will be? lol. that is rather high for here, as we are only suppose to be around 70 for a high right about now.

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