Toot by Bryan SmartBryan Smart (

@JustinMac84 @serrebi But Justin, coming up with solutions you've thought through and that have a snowball's chance in hell of actually working takes, well, actual work. And work is hard. And isn't as sexy as yelling at other people/groups and being self-righteous little shits. And we all know that social media is about making you feel good about yourself, whether there's an algo to grease the skids or not.

Great job team MAGA I hope stabbing Israel and Ukraine in the back was worth it.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has drafted plans to release thousands of immigrants and slash its capacity to hold detainees after the failure of a Senate border bill that would have erased a $700 million budget shortfall, according to four officials at ICE and the Department of Homeland Security.