Toot by Sara Joy ✨ wir sind mehr 🇩🇪Sara Joy ✨ wir sind mehr 🇩🇪 (

@objectinspace @jscholes @matt @tristan It's also that the decisionmakers literally won't let the devs/designers take the actual time needed to build accessibly from the ground up. Especially if accessibility is perceived as getting in the way of whatever hot new feature the decisionmakers want. Or eye candy. And yeah, at the end of the day, the thing that matters is the people with the power to make the decisions giving a shit. So yeah devs/designers not caring enough to learn plus decisionmakers not caring/not giving the time/money or whatever creates a perfect storm of fuckery.

Get in Babkans, Microblogians, and other fedizens, we're most of the way through Tuesday.

John and I are taking a slower day today in order to read the newest Peter Ashe book. So far we're really liking it, and I think we'll reread the rest of the series after this.

Other than that, we're just sort of lazily working, if that's a thing. We're just not running like chickens with our heads cut off.
