Toot by Bruce ToewsBruce Toews (

No, but as I said, this is not about what's fair to someone who claims essentially infinite net worth. This New York state, and they tend to take this sort of thing very seriously, especially when you do it all across several different companies for a long time and then you're completely remorseless about it at trial.

Toot by Bruce ToewsBruce Toews (

Not that I'm saying you're doing this, but I genuinely do not understand why "If you can't do the time don't do the crime" and similar statements are just fine for people who break the law but who are unsimpathetic to the law and order crowd which also happens to overwhelmingly support Donald Trump, but then when Trump breaks the law and gets a fine for it and has to pay it when everybody else who gets these kinds of penalties has to pay them, all of a sudden they're concerned about fairness in the justice system.

Toot by Bruce ToewsBruce Toews (

Oh it's been done before, and in New York state even, and the penalties are typically stiff in those cases because that kind of thing is really disruptive to the real estate market and investment market among other things. so far, the only whiff of unfairness I'm seeing here is that it's Donald Trump getting the penalty and he's supposed to be untouchable for reasons. I mean if someone comes up with an actual reason why this is unjust, or presents actual evidence that this verdict has something to do with hatred of Donald Trump, then fair enough. But so far I haven't seen that, just screeching from Trump fans about how unfair it is. This does not include you.

Toot by Bruce ToewsBruce Toews (

To be fair, trials like this aren't usually high-profile, and if you want I'll dig up stuff on New York state civil financial fraud cases, but yeah stiff fines are typical. And courtroom conduct of people involved in a case matters. It always does. I remember when I was in court for the trial surrounding the break-in of my place and the accompanying theft and assault, and I was repeatedly coached by the DA's office to essentially be as polite and non-confrontational as possible. Even though I was the victim. Trump and his attorney did not do that, at all.